Illinois Valley Area Chamber & Econ Develop

We welcome you and invite you to join the largest business organization in the Illinois Valley (LaSalle, Bureau, and Putnam Counties). For more than 100 years, the Illinois Valley Area Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development has served as an integral part of what makes our community a great place to live, work and play.

Every strategy, program and service is created specifically to provide a positive environment that is 100 percent focused on results that translate directly to our customers—our 350 members and our community.

Vision: Be Engaged and Available to the Partners we serve, in order to drive economic development and quality of life for our communities, now and into the future

Mission: Promoting the Illinois Valley and Creating opportunities by Developing solutions to meet the needs of our partners

Community: We define our community as the Illinois Valley Area, comprised of 24 communities in three counties in North Central Illinois. We work tirelessly to engage and re-engage the leadership resources to make a great community even better.

People: We are committed to collaboration, teamwork and diversity, both within our organization and within the community.
Integrity: We honor our commitments and strive to earn and maintain the trust of those with whom we are privileged to associate.

Professionalism: We take pride in being professional. We are committed to continuously improving the quality of the services we provide. We attract and retain the highest caliber talent.

Membership: We believe that it is an honor and a privilege to serve our members.